Professional Development

Drawing from Grassroots’ sizeable private sector experience, we support organizations in the development of focussed and highly effective communication strategies.  We work with boards of directors, executive directors, and senior management teams to chart the development and execution of operational goals.


Effective advocacy hinges on a clear understanding of The Why (Purpose), The How (Mission) and The What (Vision).  Critical to the success of any GR or PR campaign, these concepts are often neglected or even completely ignored.  We work with organizations to develop clear written understanding of organizational purpose, mission and vision.

The 3 C’s of Successful Communications

Grassroots’ model of effective communications: Clarity – Consistency – Collaboration.  Success in any GR or PR campaign demands that organizations achieve crystal-clear clarity on the message (what to say), consistently say it (by all stakeholders to avoid confusing mixed-messages), in a spirit of collaboration (be part of the solution not the problem).

Corporate Communications

Grassroots’ communication specialists offer a wide range of corporate communications including media releases, customized commentaries, op-ed articles and keynote speeches.

Training Workshops

Senior Consultant Peter Seemann, and Communication Coach Ray Pons combine their extensive private sector experience to offer a variety of professional development training and coaching workshops.  Based on Grassroots’ founding principle – that the very best people to speak for an industry or business are the people who work in that industry or business – workshops are customized to support the success of industry leaders, business associations, boards of directors and organizational teams. 

Advocacy: How to tell your story

This insightful workshop focusses on maximizing opportunities with decision makers in government.  Learn how to design effective communication strategies and build successful grassroots campaigns.  Avoid common communication pitfalls and learn the importance of lobby meeting preparation – before, during and after communications with elected members and staff 

Principles of Effective Communication: Learn the 3 C’s

Learn the importance of a crystal-clear message (what to say), consistently say it (by all stakeholders to avoid confusing mixedmessages), in a spirit of collaboration (be part of the solution not the problem).  This module analyzes Grassroots’ model of effective communication: Clarity – Consistency – Collaboration, and addresses the unique traits of four distinct communication styles (passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive and assertive).  

Media Training: Communicate well under pressure

Video communication and media interviews present distinct opportunities – and daunting challenges. This training session addresses insider tips to deal with media, key essentials of digital communication, and public speaking strategies used by professional speakers.  Gain valuable experience through interactive role-play and filmed interview scenarios, to help you stay calm and focused when communicating on camera and under pressure. 

Social Media: The good, the bad & the ugly

Vast in scope and continuously changing in nature, social media communications require careful management in today’s volatile online environment.  Learn the most effective platforms to support your digital campaign strategyand the importance of thorough planning.  This module includes case studies of various media campaigns and the communication components that drove success, or disaster.  

Polling & Research: Why it matters

Hear from Pollster and Director of ResearchAdrian Macaulay, as he shares his experience – from gaining insight into public perspective, to using data as a predictive election tool  and explains why strategic polling and research are integral to effective advocacy.  

Government 101: How legislation passes and who’s who in parliament

Focussed on how legislation is introduced and moved through the legislature, this workshop is applicable to both federal and provincial levels of government.  Gain insights about the ‘power brokers’ and centres of influence in today’s parliament, discover the critical importance of timing, and learn simple advocacy strategies that get support versus those that do not. 

Powerful Presentations: Design and deliver an impactful performance

Structured around the concepts of Clarity, Consistency and Collaboration, this workshop addresses both design and delivery of your next important presentation.  Learn the fundamentals of public speaking, how to build concise, impactful PowerPoint slide decks, and common technical pitfalls to avoid.  Focus on the importance of preparation and practice as you prepare to speak publicly onstage.  

Media Messaging

Traditional media, social media and digital communication are mainstays of modern life, and critical to the success, or failure, of any campaign.  Do you have an online strategy?  Are you prepared for media interviews?

Virtual Press Conferences

To ensure you effectively connect with government and the public, Grassroots provides Communication and Media Training workshops, including interactive role-play and filmed interview scenarios.

Beyond this, our experience with virtual press events allows our clients to take advantage of technology affordances to reach local and global audiences. Important news, product releases and financial reporting are just some announcements for which organizations have used virtual events, which can lead to broadened audience engagement and huge cost savings.

The CFA’s virtual press conference highlights our work in action: