We help businesses and industry associations execute effective communication strategies for government and public relations campaigns.

Lobby Day Lessons from Parliament Hill and Queen's Park, Face-to-Face Matters
Advocacy, Personal
Reem is an associate consultant at Grassroots Public Affairs and is based in Ottawa. Reem can be reached at reem@grassrootspa.ca
When it comes to lobbying government, I have learned it goes beyond scheduled meetings and formal conversations;…

Ontario's 2024 Budget Consultation Process: Shaping the Province's Economic Future
As Ontario gears up for the 2024 Budget, the Province is actively seeking input from a diverse range of voices: workers, families, business owners, and communities. This call for engagement underscores the government's commitment to crafting…

Stay Hopeful
In this era of immediate and relentless digital communication, stories and images of overlapping crises have become the norm. If you don’t go out of your way to find good news, there isn’t much of it.
Personally, I find it…
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